Wednesday, May 1, 2019

selecting a mantra

Select a two syllable phrase from the list.

* something with a positive quality,
* but not an emotionally charged phrase that encourages thinking.
* The object of TM and TL, is to bring the mind into a state of lucidity and calm that transcends the ordinary thinking mind.

list of good mantras:

be calm
be kind
be friend
bliss, bliss
bliss, joy
calm, calm
friend, friend
joy, joy
kind friend
kind, kind
let go
no fear
peace, calm
peace, peace
truth, truth
wake up

default choice

Here's a good mantra to use if you're undecided:
calm, calm

language doesn't matter

You can translate the phrases above into any language. Just make sure it comes out two syllables.

TM's 'personal' mantras are selected from a list of 50 well sanskrit mantras of general purpose used in many Eastern religions. When recited vocally,  they have marginal medical benefits having to do with vibrations of differing frequencies of those sounds tuning and healing your physical body.

But since the goal of both TM and TL is to transcend the ordinary thinking mind into a higher state of lucidity, with far greater power and clarity, and one mentally 'thinks' the mantra rather than speaking the mantra out loud, there's no reason to use one of the 50 sanskrit mantras.

The purpose of the mantra here is to replace ordinary confused distracted unskillful thinking, with a simple positive thought that resonates with you, and encourages a calm, peaceful state of mind.

examples of emotionally charged words:

(best for most people to avoid these words for their mantra)


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